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Thursday 16 December 2010

The Yellow-Lighted Bookshop

I'm in love with books. I love the smell of the pages in a brand new book, like a sharp citrus perfume. I love even more the smell of an old, worn book; it's perfume more heady and musky.
Nothing can compare to the feel of a well-loved book, its pages smoothed and ink smudged. The dog-eared pages, nicotine and coffee stains, all evidence of a long, loved life.
You can sit anywhere with a good book; curled up in bed, on your sofa, a park bench or the beach. Taking time to absorb each word, taking as much time as you like.
Books don't have batteries that might run out. Books don't crash, have hardware failures or viruses.
Books are magical. Magical little squares of paper, all bound together. Millions of worlds, adventures, people and places, all alive and breathing on the inky pages.
So, switch off your laptops, computers, Apple Macs, ipads, iphones and mobiles. Pick up a book. Go on, do it now.
Open it up and take a long, deep breath. Smell the heady scent and ingest each word.
Books are too loved to become redundant. They're timeless.

Friday 3 December 2010


We're still here
Still holding on
On to nothing much
Reaching for something
But I don't know what.
I need you now
But I don't know why.
Feeling nothing
But feeling everything
All at once.
I'm falling, I'm falling
But I don't know why.
Hold me, love me,
Squeeze me tight.
Please don't let me go,
I love you
And that's the only thing I know.
Shine me a light
So that I can find you
In this dark, dark world.
I'm holding on with my fingertips
To this earth, to this life.
You're my piece of happiness,
Solidness, strength,
My strong hand of help.
Don't let go yet.
Hold me, love me,
Squeeze me tight.
Please don't let me go.
I love you,
And that's the only thing I know.
Never let go.

Jennifer Nolan 2010